lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Just for fun

Hi everybody, how did you spend your valentin's day?, I hope you got everything that you wanted on that day =), well this is a quick post jsut to show you this banner that imade using some cds, my father wanted throw them out , but I decided to use them to make an ornament to embellisment my home =), as you can see , I decoupaged one of them ( the whole piece),and on the left two I frist painted and then decoupaged and finally I sprayed the whole cds, and now this wall hanger is hanging on the wall of my kithchen, and I must admit I love how it turned out, ( i have lots of cds wanting to be painted ), Hola ke tal pasaron su dia de san valentin, el mio fue un dia normal =P, bueno kiero mostrarles lo que hicec on unos cds ke estuvieron a punto de ser arrogados a la basura, pero yo tenia algunos planes para ellos entre ellos hacer un adorno para mi cocina, y aki la muestra,espero les guste ,pues ami me encanto se ve super lindo =).

Here a view of the whole wall hanger
the close up of the three cds
And finally I want to do a annoucement , it 's candy time over at Mój świat running until march 1
and I want to give a big thank you to Katie for sending me this girly candy that I won a couple weeks ago ,thank youuuuuuuuuu to Katie , i am going to enjoy to use them =), and I also want to thank to God =) ( thanks for letting me know great people andfor my good luck )gracias katie por enviarme este lindo candy, me gusto mucho , y lo voy a usar ,y gracias diosito por darme tan buena suerte y por conocer personas tan lindas aki =).

11 comentarios:

Kath Stewart dijo...

this is fabulous helen and a great way to use up old CD's...big hugs from kath & buddy xxxxx

Maria Bettencourt Lemos dijo...

Olá Helen,

Parabéns pelas Criações Magnificas que aqui apresenta...como sempre espectaculares!!!
Um abraço para si,

Maria Lemos

Reyes ♥El telar de mi abuela♥ dijo...

Muy original.rtint

Mary C.M. dijo...

Olá Helen
gracias por tu comentário..eres una simpatia.
Y este trabajo quedo muy bello y utilizastes piezas de desecho...te felicito!!!
Un abrazo

Ivonn dijo...

Witaj :)
Widzę w Tobie pokrewną duszę :)
Jeszcze troszkę a decoupage nie będzie miało przed Tobą tajemnic ;)


Luciana Todaro dijo...

Thank for your visit to my blog! You are also very good.
have a nice day

Anónimo dijo...

What a fun, creative and beautiful project!

(-: Heidi

❤Artes da Guida❤ dijo...

Olá. adorei esta sua criação. muito original e cheia de bom gosto. agora já sei o que fazer com cd´s que já não servem para nada. beijinhos

Merry dijo...

These look wonderful and don't even look like CD's decoupaged. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment.

Lene dijo...

Hello Helén!
Lovely and original.
have a nica day my friend!
Hugs from lene

Unknown dijo...

hola helen ¡qe buena idea !!!!!!!!1
me encanto como qedaron esos cds
jamas se me habria ocurrido qe de unos cds viejos podia salir algo tan lindo te felicito por tu cretividad
gracias por visitar mi blog
un beso melina


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